Saturday, March 17, 2007
Kids love to watch cartoon films and when it comes to watching animated films, oh there is no barrier of their happiness. So why not use kids's favorite hobby of watching films to educate them.

Easter movies are a great fun to watch and the best part is that, they provide ample information about Easter history and the symbols associated with it. There are different types of movies on Easter, to say for example there are Easter egg movies, Easter Island movies, movies on Easter bunnies etc.

Here is a list of some movies that one can enjoy watching on Easter day: -

* Easter Parade
* Who Framed Roger Rabbit
* Harvey
* Alice in Wonderland
* The Easter Bunny is Comin' to Town
* Happy go Ducky - Tom and Jerry show
* The Tale of the Bunny Picnic
* Easter Titans

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posted by Dave Richards at Saturday, March 17, 2007 ¤ Permalink ¤